Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Removal of Live Feedjit

Dear Friends,

Few of you mailed me asking why I removed Live Feedjit, which used to show your visits to my blogs. Instead of mailing separtely, I wish to write here.

I know, you friends used to visit my blogs and felt happy with Live Feedjit, as it showed your visit to me, and literally can say, made me happy. But friends, apart from you guys, I had some well wisher, who used to visit my blogs often, from where he/she used to visit my articles, to write nice & wonderful comments. May be he/she might have frustration in life. So, I were happy, that by writing comments on me and my articles, he/she is getting some sort of peace.

OK, let me come to the point. This well wisher, started feeling uncomfort when his/her location was shown in Live feedjit. So, started changing the location from "SSS" to "BBB", using the options available in Live Feedjit. But poor guy/gal was not aware, there are lots of other ways available to know who it is. I really felt unhappy that this Live feedjit made such a wonderful high status person to go so cheap.

Hence in order to help that well wisher to make him/her feel ease in visiting my blogs, I removed Live Feedjit.

Thanks for your understanding friends.

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