Tuesday, 26 October 2010

BreastFeeding - Dos and Don'ts

Pregnancy is a joyful pain. Those are the days, when a women can enjoy pains with happiness. All the pains will vanish at the moment the mother get to see the bundle of joy, with tiny little legs and hands, with those bright little eyes, crawls in her hand.

God and Nature blessed women with such a power that, they can learn things about pregnancy and taking care of a kid, quickly from the moment they turn into a mother. I always have wondered how my grandmother took care of her 9 children altogether.

Olden days, people used to live together and hence the younger generation always had the chance of watching kids and babies, their life, the way mothers handle them, etc... But, now the lifestyle of the entire world got changed. The nuclear family system kept people away from each other, and even those who are in the same house get chances rarely as they lock themselves in their own rooms.

So, young mothers now a days have lack of understanding, especially in the basic steps like how to feed a baby, how to understand the body language of the baby and take care, etc... Here are few basic things, every mother, with infants should know.

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