Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Facebook New Privacy Setting - Instant Personalization - Third party websites going to access your personal information, without your knowledge

One of the latest privacy settings handled by facebook is "Instant Personalization". This setting gives access to your personal information to other third party websites. The facebook page says like below

"Our goal is to give you a great social and personalized experience with every app and website you use. We've worked with a select set of partners to personalize your experience as soon as you arrive on their sites.

These partner sites (currently limited to Bing, TripAdvisor, Clicker, Rotten Tomatoes, Docs, Pandora, Yelp, and Scribd), can only access the information and content you've already made available to everyone. All our partners are required to respect your information and we've worked closely with them to make sure they do."

The main thing you have to know here is, the default setting is set as "Enabled", which means, default the third party websites has permission to access your information, without you knowing it exclusively. So, one should explicitly go and remove the "Enable" power given to the third parties, if they don't like to share their personal information with others.

Here I am giving you detailed step by step guidance on how to un-check the permission given to this instant personalization privacy settings.

1. Login to your facebook account and click on  the "Account" link seen in the top of the right hand side and click on "Account Settings" option shown there.

Mythili Kannan_Facebook Account Settings

2. Scroll below and you will find the "Apps and Websites" link. Click on it.

Mythili Kannan_Facebook Apps and Websites settings

3. You will be taken to a page as shown below. Scroll below and you will see the "Instant Personalization". Click on "Edit Settings" of this option.

Mythili Kannan_Facebook Edit Settings of Instant Personalization

4. Sometimes it will open a page, which try to teach you about this Instant personalization settings and purpose. Click on Close button.

Mythili Kannan_Close Facebook Option

5. Now you can see a tick mark (check) on the side of "Enable Instant personalization". Remove that (Disabling Instant Personalization). There is no "Save" option. Just un-check it and wait till the process gets over (which will be shown by a sign). They you can continue with your browsing, as usual.

Mythili Kannan_Disable Instant Personalization in Facebook Privacy Settings

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